SaPpHiRePL's Skin
Do you have a dry skin?
You'll see small facial pores and a matte finish with little shine. Lines form very easily around your brow, eyes and lips. This skin is very sensitive to weather changes.
Caring for your dry skin.
Cleanse with a cream, liquid or oily cleanser, then rinse with warm water. Be sure to use an alcohol-free toner and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!!!! Also, apply eye cream every morning and evening before you head for bed. click here for more tips on dry skin
Is your skin oily?
Your skin doesn't wrinkle as easily as other types, but it is more prone to blemishes, blackheads and pimples. Pores will be largeand face will have constantly shiny apperance.
Caring for oily skin.
Use mild soaps or soap-free cleansers, and avoid products with ingridients like oil or cocoa butter. Wash with your finger tips and use gentle touch - scrubbing only produces more oil. Most likely moisturizer will be unnecesary. Use atringent with alcohol, but never over-wash!
Traits of combination skin
The 'T-zone' - across the forehead and down the nose to the chin - is marked by oily skin. However, you skin tends to be dry just about everywhere else. This skin type is most common among women in thier 20s and 30s.
'Normal' skin is extremely rare
This type is characterized by a smooth texture, and porcelain-type finish to your skin. Lines and wrinkles will not form until later in life, and acne is very rare.
Normal and combination skin care are similar
Cleanse with a liquid cleanser or facial soap, and once a week use a scrub or mask specially formulater for your skin type. Adjast to weather conditions, with an alcohol-free toner in winter or in dry climates, and an astrigent woth trace of alcohol during humid months.
Added tips for combination skin
While there is no need to use 2 different cleansers, it is still useful to wash with cleanser designed for combination skin. An astrigent with alcohol is best over your T-zone area. Use moisturizer only on your dry area to avoid T-zone. Blot you face with tissuse in your oily area if needed.
Tips for washing sensitive skin
If you are prone to breakouts, redness or rashes try using a soap-free, unscented cleanser. Avoid strong deodorant soaps and stay away from grainy products that may irritate your skin. Use alcohol free astringents sparingly if at all, and make sure your moisturizer and foundation are designed for sensitive skin.