gift ideas
Gifts recommended for women: tickets to the movies; perfume; flowers; sexy lingerie; chocolates; balloons; original poetry; balloon ride; picnic breakfast at sunrise; gift certificate to a spa, nail salon, beauty salon, the mall, or a restaurant; release from chores; a day planned to specifically leave "Mom" alone to do whatever she wants; a voucher to clean the house, do the yardwork, or do any long-unfinished chore of her choice; a petal-strewn bedroom with several lit candles properly shielded from anything flammable and mood music of her choice; a home-cooked meal; a weekend planned to look like a spontaneous vacation.
Gifts recommended for men: tickets to the movies or a sporting event; cologne; video games; car accessories; sports caps; belts, CD's; home-baked heart-shaped cookies; balloon bouquets; original poetry; framed picture of you smiling in some romantic place; balloon ride; picnic breakfast at sunrise; gift certificate to the mall or to a restaurant; voucher to do some yardwork or to wash his car.
Gifts recommended for children: release from chores; a neatly wrapped bouquet of slice-and-bake sugar cookies with hearts in the middle; small bouquets of flowers; foil-wrapped chocolate hearts hidden around the house or bedroom; trip to an amusement park; cook a heart-themed meal; a small teddy bear holding an "I love you" heart; a planned treasure hunt; gift certificate to the candy store.
Gifts recommended for grandparents: computer-designed stationery with computer-printed return address labels packaged with a few pens and pencils and lots of stamps (if you want to be ambitious, ask to borrow their address book and pre-address some envelopes for them as well); gift certificates; a promise to pick them up and take them to the mall or to a movie or to lunch; a voucher to clean their house or do some yardwork; flowers; chocolates.
Gifts recommended for teachers: gift certificates to the mall, a restaurant, an individual store, a school supply store, the auto wash, or for a massage and/or a manicure; voucher for a few hours of volunteer time; flowers; chocolates.
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